Incentives and Rebates for Commercial Properties
Federal Level Incentives for Your Business or Commercial Property
Commercial and Fleet Station Level Incentives by State:
Click on any State below to expand the selection and read about the incentives offered and links to their respective information:
Alabama Power offers a Business Electric Vehicle Time-of-Use (BEVT) rate rider. Applicable for service in which charging the batteries of electric vehicles is necessary for nonresidential customer use. The load will be separately metered from all other electrical load and used for the exclusive purpose of charging electric vehicle batteries. Service shall not be resold or shared with others.
Chugach commercial members willing to host EV charging facilities can receive a $500 credit. Members must agree to install, own, make available and pay the bill for Level 2 electric vehicle charging facilities. Chargers may be installed to serve the public, or for a specific commercial use like tenant or customer parking.
Chugach will cost share with a limited number of commercial members willing to host workplace EV charging facilities with the primary intent to serve employee charging needs. Workplace locations must have 25 employees or more to qualify for this program. The facilities may also be used to serve customers and the public, at the applicant’s discretion. Members must agree to install, own, make available and pay the electric bill for Level 2 EV charging facilities for at least 36 months following installation. The program is open to any Small General Service or Large General Service member for installations at properties in the Chugach service territory.
Chugach will reimburse up to $2,500 in costs for hotels in its service area that choose to install universal EV charging facilities for guests. Hosts may also choose to make the equipment available to members of the public. This program is intended to be beneficial for guests traveling by EVs while attracting business for the host hotel. In return for the financial assistance, hosts must agree to (upon request) provide Chugach feedback about the use and usefulness of the EV charging facility.
Chugach will reimburse up to $1,500 of the installed cost of EV chargers for fleet vehicle operations. There is a limit of two reimbursements per metered location. Members will be required to prove the equipment has been installed and also share plans for ownership or lease of electric vehicles (either BEV or PHEV). This program is also available for rental car companies with a retail counter at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport and the operator of the rental center at TSAIA.
Salt River Project (SRP) is offering $1,500 for each networked EV charging port you install at your business, or $4,000 per port for government, non-profit, multifamily and school customers. You may also be eligible to receive up to $15,000 for each networked DC Fast Charger port you install at your business, or $20,000 per port for government, non-profit, multifamily, and school customers.
Salt River Project (SRP) Fleet Advisory Services will provide up to $20,000 for completing a study to convert your fleet to electric.
- Tucson Electric Power’s Smart EV Charging Program offers incentives up to $9,000 per port for Level 2 Charging stations and up to $40,000 per port for DC Fast Chargers to commercial businesses, multi-family complexes and nonprofit customers that purchase and install EV charging ports at their location.
Entergy eTech program offers cash incentives of up to $250 for L2 charging stations. On a case by case basis, Entergy will also offer cash incentives for electrifying truck stops and fleets.
Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is offering rebates for electric vehicle charging stations for commercial and business charging station. Get up to a $5,000 rebate for each electric vehicle charging station. Buy and install a maximum of 6 new level 2 chargers (single or dual port) per account OR substitute any level 2 charger with two new level 1 chargers (maximum of 12 level 1 chargers).
Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is offering a rebate to business customers who purchase new electric forklifts (class-1 or class-2) up to $2,000. (Limit 3)
Anaheim Public Utilities Public Access Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate Program is offering rebates to commercial, industrial, and municipal customers who install publicly accessible Level 2 (240-Volt) or higher plug-in electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Under this program, customers will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses up to $5,000 per charging station for public access locations, or $10,000 for school, affordable housing, or publicly accessible DC fast plug-in locations (maximum of 4 charging stations). Eligible expenses include the charger purchase price and installation costs. In addition to the rebate, Anaheim will pay the City’s permit application fee for the EV charger.
The Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVQMD) is offering up to 80% reimbursement on the equipment and installation of EV charging stations. This opportunity is available for but not limited to LEED certified buildings, retail centers, centers of worship, hospitals and public transit areas (bus depots, train stations, park & rides). The program is open until all funds are exhausted.
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Carl Moyer Program is offering funding for up to 50% of the eligible costs of infrastructure and installation of an EV charging station. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Charge! Program provides grant funding to offset the cost of purchasing and installing new publicly accessible* chargers for light-duty electric vehicles, or EVs, at workplaces, destinations, transit parking locations, along transportation corridors, and at multi-unit dwelling facilities. A total $7 million in grant funding is available for organizations, including governments, businesses, and nonprofits.
Burbank Water and Power businesses can lead the charge with BWP's new Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate Program to give their customers and employees the charge they need to get where they are going. Rebates offset some of the costs of purchasing and installing EV charging stations for your business.
The Central Coast Incentive Project promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure for the purchase and installation of eligible Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties – with a total of $7 million in available funds. The program offers reimbursements of up to $5,500 per Level 2 charger and up to $80,000 per DC fast charger.
The City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is offering Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger rebates for schools, non-profits, and multifamily properties. Qualifying organizations in the CPAU service area can receive up to $80,000 for installing shared use EV chargers. If you know a school, non-profit or multifamily property in Palo Alto that would benefit from our EV Charger Rebate or Technical Assistance Program, send us an email utilityprograms@cityofpaloalto.org or call us (650) 729-2064.
The Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District DMV Grant Program can provide up to $50,000 for eligible applicants to install Level 2 or higher public, fleet, or workplace charging stations.
The EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles program is offering incentives for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure equipment for medium- and heavy-duty (MD/HD) battery electric vehicles operated in California. Incentives are divided amongst four distinct lanes of funding, each representing a key area of the commercial ZEV landscape. The EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles program opened March 23rd, 2022, with $16M exclusively for EV charging infrastructure. The EV Public Charging and EV Jump Start program lanes are competitive opportunities launching Q4, 2022 for applicants interested in deploying publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric commercial MD/HD vehicles and EV fleet users that are in a disadvantaged or low-income community.
The Feather River AQMD is now accepting applications for the Community Air Protection Incentive Program and the State Reserve Carl Moyer Program. The District has been allocated $877,600 for emission reduction projects in the third year of Community Air Protection Incentives funding. The projects should be located in and/or directly benefit SB 535 and AB 1550 communities. Projects will be selected based on benefit to SB 535 and AB 1550 communities, eligibility under the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines and Project Plan, and community input.
The Feather River AQMD State Reserve Carl Moyer Program has approximately $100,000 available for electric vehicle charging stations in Yuba and Sutter counties outside of the Disadvantaged Communities from the State Reserve of the Carl Moyer Program Year 23. Applicants may apply using the General Application for the CAP Incentives Program. Projects will be placed in either the CAP or State Reserve based on location and benefit to Disadvantaged Communities.
The Glendale Water & Power EV Rebate Program offers a $500 rebate to businesses who install a Level 2 charging station. Rebate applications will be accepted subject to availability of funds.
The Hybrid and Zero Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) Funding for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicles will launch April 2021. Rebates from $45,000 - $150,000 depending on weight class; plus an additional 10% for projects in disadvantaged communities, 15% for public transit agencies, or 65% for public schools are eligible on a first-come first-served basis.
The Liberty Utilities Drive Program rebate budget of $1,750,000 is allocated between Residential and Small Business customers and available on a first-come, first-served basis until the rebate budget has been paid and/or fully reserved. The rebate may pay up to $2,500 of eligible costs to install the charger at commercial sites. Eligible costs include charging equipment, installation labor, permitting, design, and any required upgrades to the existing electrical system necessary for the installation of the electric vehicle charger. This includes costs for Small Business applicants to establish a separate commercial electrical service, if necessary.
Marin Clean Energy (MCE) Charging Station Program offers rebates for Level 2 charging stations for workplaces and multifamily properties (market rate and low income with 4 or more units) of up to $$3,000 per Level 2 (L2) charging port for 2-20 ports per site. Additional $500 per charging port with Deep Green 100% renewable energy.
Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District's Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Program will reimburse District Board approved projects up to 80 percent of the total costs of infrastructure, charging equipment and installation where the maximum funding amount is determined by meeting general criteria.
Peninsula Clean Energy's EV Ready Program is a $28 million electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure program seeking to install 3,500 charging ports in San Mateo County over four years. Eligible commercial customers may be able to receive up to $90,000 for installing level 2 stations on their existing Multi-unit properties or employee parking lots. Publicly accessible non-residential sites may be eligible for up to $20,000 per property. For new construction sites, Multi-unit dwellings can receive up to $40,000 per property or $100,000 per Affordable Housing Multi-Unit Dwelling and Public Agency locations can get up to $250,000 per property.
PG&E’s EV Fleet program supports level 2 and DC fast chargers in a variety of installation configurations based on a fleet operator’s needs. Eligible customers may be able to receive 50% of the cost of an eligible charging station up to $42,000. They also offer incentives to build out the necessary infrastructure to convert to an electric fleet with rebates ranging from $4,000 up to $9,000 for eligible vehicles.
PG&E's EV Fast Charge Program pays for, coordinates, and facilitates construction of the electrical infrastructure from the utility pole to the parking space at a limited number of competitively selected sites.
PG&E's EV Charge, Schools, Parks, and Beaches Program may provide a rebate of up to $15,500 for Level 2 stations at schools, and provide even more costs savings to State Parks and beached for fleet and public usage in support of California's electrification goals.
The City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is offering EV charger rebates to eligible customers that own or operate a school or non-profit, as well as multifamily and mixed use properties. Qualifying organizations in the CPAU service area can receive up to $30,000 for installing EVSE that will be available to multiple users. Rebates are limited to Level 2 EVSEs or higher.
The Pasadena Water & Power’s Commercial Charger Incentive Program offers $3,000 rebate for installation of smart Level 2 (240V) charging stations for commercial, workplace, MUD, and fleet customers. Rebates of up to $6,000 per charger are available at specific sites including publicly accessible, schools, affordable housing, and DAC.
Property Assessed Clean Energy ("PACE") financing program allows property owners to borrow funds to pay for energy improvements, including purchasing and installing EVSE. The borrower repays over a defined period of time through a special assessment on the property. Local governments in California are authorized to establish PACE programs. Property owners must agree to the program guidelines to receive financing. Financing available for up to 15% of the first $700,000 of the property value and 10% of the remaining property value.
Redding Electric Utility (REU) is offering a $3,000 account credit per installed electric vehicle charging station (up to 10) that is Level 2 or greater.
The Sacramento County Incentive Project (CALeVIP) promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure by offering $14 million in rebates for the purchase and installation of eligible Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers in Sacramento County. $7.7 million in rebates is available for Level 2 EV chargers, and $6.3 million is available for DC fast chargers.
SDG&E Power Your Drive for Apartments and Condos EV Charging Infrastructure Program offers a one-time rebate for both single and dual port chargers, network service and maintenance. You may be able to receive up to $17,000 for your Level 2 charger installation at an applicable site. The one-time rebate is not applicable for SDG&E-owned and maintained chargers.
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Commercial Electric Charger Incentive Program is accepting rebate applications for Level 2 and DC fast chargers on a first-come, first-served basis. SMUD is providing $1,500 per Level 2 EV charging port at workplace and multifamily locations with a maximum of 20 incentives per property. SMUD is offering an incentive of up to $100,000 for each DC fast charger project, consisting of at least two DC fast chargers and one Level 2 station.
San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District’s Alt Fuel and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program is offering funding for up to 50% of eligible costs of the infrastructure and installation, and up to 60% if the project is publicly accessible, subject to the maximum award amounts stipulated in the RFP. Projects funded under the AB923 guidelines may be eligible for funding up to 65% of eligible costs (consult APCD). Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Charge Up! Program is accepting applications for rebates up to $6,000 for dual port Level 2 charging stations and up to $25,000 for Level 3/DC Fast Charging stations. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
The San Joaquin Valley Incentive Project promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure for the purchase and installation of eligible electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Funding in San Joaquin and Kern Counties for level 2 projects is still available. Applicants are selected on a first-come first-served basis and may be eligible for reimbursements of up to $6,000 per Level 2 Charger.
The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District 2022 Clean Air Grants for Infrastructure Program provides grants for the installation of new, conversion of existing, and expansion to existing non-residential level 2 or higher battery charging stations located in Santa Barbara County. Successful projects will be eligible to receive a grant within a range from $10,000 to $250,000. Priority will be given to projects located at multi-unit dwellings or low-income communities.
Silicon Valley Power provides a rebate up to $500 when you install an electric vehicle charging station. This program offers EV charging station rebates for home, multifamily housing, schools, and non-profit facilities. There is an additional grant available to multi-family housing units that provide below market rental units.
Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Charge Ready Program offers rebates for qualified EV charging equipment, and provides make-ready at the site for the equipment. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
Southern California Edison's (SCE's) Charge Ready Transport (CRT) Program offers low-to no-cost electrical system upgrades to support the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment for qualifying vehicles. This program provides a unique opportunity for fleet operators choosing to acquire electric vehicles by providing support and reducing the costs with installing the necessary charging equipment.
Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project, a California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) program, is offering incentives for electric vehicle (EV) charger installations. The Project offers a rebate up to $6,000 per connector for eligible Level 2 charging equipment installed in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis beginning on April 5, 2022. This program offers a base rebate of up to $3,500, an additional $500 for chargers installed in Disadvantaged Community (DAC) or Low-Income Community (LIC), and an additional $2,000 for a multi-unit dwelling (MUD) site. If the site qualifies as both a DAC and LIC, each Level 2 connector is only eligible for an additional $500.
The Tehama County Air Pollution Control District Carl Moyer Program is accepting applications. EV Infrastructure projects can be funded up to 60% if publicly accessible, 50% for all other projects, and 100% for Public School Bus recharging projects. This is a competitive program and applications are accepted until September 30, 2020.
Black Hills Energy in Colorado offers the commercial EV charging rebate. Your business can receive up to $2,000 per port for Level 2 stations, and Government and Non-Profit sites may be able to receive up to $3,000 per port.
Colorado Springs Utilities Custom Energy Rebate Program provides rebates to commercial customers to help offset hardware and installation costs of an EV charger as part of our custom energy rebate program. Rebates for Level 2 charging port installed for workplace, opportunity or fleet charging up to $1,200 per port, Level 2 charging port installed for multi-unit dwelling residential charging up to $1,600 per port, and rebates for Direct Current Fast Charger (DCFC), also referred to as a Level 3 charger up to $12,000 per active port are available while funding lasts.
The Charge Ahead Colorado program provides financial support for electric vehicles (EV) charging stations to fund 80% of the cost of a charging station. Up to $9,000 for a Level 2 Dual Port Station. Up to $50,000 for a Level 3 Multiple Connection Standard Station. Charge Ahead Colorado typically has three application rounds per year in January, May, and October.
Holy Cross Energy commercial customers can receive a ChargePoint CT4000 charger at a discounted price. Through Holy Cross Energy’s Charge at Work program, commercial customers hire an electrician of their choice to install the charger. The cost of the installation can be paid directly to the electrician or can be spread out over 3 years on your Holy Cross Energy bill.
Poudre Valley REA (PVREA) offers a rebate for public charging stations of 50% of the cost of the equipment or $500, whichever is lesser. They also offer a rebate of 50% of the cost of installation, or $500, whichever is lesser. The charger must have the ability to record session data and must be available to PVREA upon request.
Xcel Energy EV Fleet operators may be able to save money through EV Critical Peak Pricing if they can primarily charge their vehicles between 9pm and Noon and avoid critical peak events.
Xcel Energy Colorado is offering commercial, municipal, and community-focused properties that install L2 and DCFC EV charging stations rebates ranging from $800 - $45,000 to help offset the cost to purchase and install stations. All sites can receive Xcel-owned EVSE install/maintenance at no cost, lower cost/off-peak pricing and reduced energy charges from Xcel.
Xcel Energy Colorado is offering an Electric School Bus Rebate, school districts can earn a rebate to offset the costs for procuring qualifying electric school buses, and costs to install the EV infrastructure for charging the school bus fleet. To learn how you can earn up to $275,000 to offset the costs for your approved school bus electrification project, email us at ElectricVehicles@xcelenergy.com
Eversource Connecticut EV charging rebates are available for projects large and small, with rebate amounts up to $250,000 for some projects. Eligible sites include workplace, multi-family, fleets, parking lots, government sites, and new construction.
The United Illuminating Company of Connecticut Make-Ready Program provides businesses that install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations with up to 100 % reimbursement of costs for the electrical improvements needed to support EV charging and up to 50% reimbursement of installed electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). With rebate and funding available for customers that install charging stations on Multi-Unit housing, Public Destination, Workplace, and DCFC sites.
Through December 31, 2026, eligible applicants can receive an Income Tax Credit pursuant to D.C. Code 47-1806.12 in the amount of 50% of the equipment and labor costs up to $10,000, directly attributable to the purchase and installation of qualified public electric vehicle charging stations.
Pepco Public Charging Make-Ready Program will be providing infrastructure for 55 public EV charging stations1 (35 Smart Level II and 20 DC Fast Chargers) across the city and is seeking partners to host the charging stations and provide EV drivers with greater access to a robust network of EV charging options.
The ChargeUP! Sarasota County program will rebate up to half the cost of buying and installing new charging stations in Sarasota County. ChargeUP! will provide certain types of non-profit and government organizations with rebates of 50 percent - up to a maximum of $4,000 - of the cost to purchase and install a publicly available charging station. Select businesses will be eligible for rebates of 25 percent, with a $2,000 maximum. Funding is limited.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for $59 million available to purchase and replace diesel transit buses (model year 2009 and older) with electric buses. Electric transit bus project will award up to $900,000 per eligible transit bus. Public transit agencies must purchase two electric transit buses for each bus replaced. Transit agencies that cannot meet that condition may still apply for a prorated award. The application sheet provides additional information, applications may be submitted through April 11, 2022.
Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) commercial customers who purchase a qualified ChargePoint station may apply for rebates of up to $5,200 for Level 2 for Fleets, Employees, or Public Use at a Business. Rebates for DCFC charging at a business are available up to $30,000. DCFC chargers for Electric School Buses may receive up to $17,000, and up to $100, 000 for Electric Public Transit Buses.
Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) offers a $200 rebate to install Level 2 and DC Fast charging stations for business and multi-family residential customers.
The ChargeUP! Sarasota County program will rebate up to half the cost of buying and installing new charging stations in Sarasota County. ChargeUP! will provide certain types of non-profit and government organizations with rebates of 50 percent - up to a maximum of $4,000 - of the cost to purchase and install a publicly available charging station. Select businesses will be eligible for rebates of 25 percent, with a $2,000 maximum. Funding is limited.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for $59 million available to purchase and replace diesel transit buses (model year 2009 and older) with electric buses. Electric transit bus project will award up to $900,000 per eligible transit bus. Public transit agencies must purchase two electric transit buses for each bus replaced. Transit agencies that cannot meet that condition may still apply for a prorated award. The application sheet provides additional information, applications may be submitted through April 11, 2022.
Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) commercial customers who purchase a qualified ChargePoint station may apply for rebates of up to $5,200 for Level 2 for Fleets, Employees, or Public Use at a Business. Rebates for DCFC charging at a business are available up to $30,000. DCFC chargers for Electric School Buses may receive up to $17,000, and up to $100, 000 for Electric Public Transit Buses.
Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) offers a $200 rebate to install Level 2 and DC Fast charging stations for business and multi-family residential customers.
Hawai'i Energy, is providing up to $4,500 for each newly installed dual-port Level 2 EV networked charging station at eligible workplaces and multi-unit dwellings and up to $35,500 per networked DC Fast Charging stations. The program also provides rebates on retrofitted stations up to $3,000 per networked Level 2 dual port stations and up to $28,000 per networked DC Fast Charging stations. Rebates are available on a first-come first-served basis while funding lasts.
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality is accepting applications for DC fast chargers at strategic locations within Idaho. Charging sites stationed along specific highways and interstates identified in the application will be prioritized. Approximately $2.6M is available and applications will be accepted and reviewed until all available funds for this program have been utilized.
Idaho Power business customers may apply for funding to install Level 1 or Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) for passenger vehicles to support fleets, employees or customers. Incentives of up to 50% of the project costs, up to $7,500 per site. Funding is limited. Applications are not a guarantee of funding.
Idaho Power, along with the Treasure Valley Clean Cities Coalition is providing technical assistance consulting services to help determine if public EV charging is right for your business. Our team will help you identify and select vendors, estimate costs and apply for grant funding. Application and approval required.
YTCC offers a rebate of $5,000 toward the purchase of publicly accessible EVSE. Eligible entities include businesses and municipalities in the communities surrounding Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park.
Duke Energy Indiana's Charger Solution Program is available to business customers. Business customers can rent a Level 2 or DC Fast EV charger for their business and pay a flat rate each month for that charger. The monthly amount includes the charger and any maintenance or warranty items for the charger.
Duke Energy Indiana's Commercial Charger Rebate program is offering rebates for qualifying businesses, cities, schools and apartment complexes to install EV chargers for fleets, school buses and transit buses.
Alliant Energy’s rebate covers the lesser of the full purchase price or up to $500 for single plug-in wall or pedestal unit, $1,000 for a dual port unit, or $1,500 for a dual-port networked unit. The 2021 rebate is coming soon.
Ames Electric Services Smart Rebates provide up to a $500 per port rebate to commercial customers for the purchase and installation of a publicly available electric vehicle charging station. Rebates are available now through December 31, 2022 or until funds are exhausted.
MidAmerican Energy is offering a $1,500 rebate toward the purchase of a qualifying Level 2 charger for businesses in Iowa. Applications for the Nonresidential Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive will be accepted through Jan. 31, 2022.
Cedar Falls Utilities will provide qualified non-residential electric customers with a $600 per new port rebate for installed ChargePoint Level 2 chargers. Customers can receive rebates for a maximum of 4 new ports per year.
Iowa City offers Community Climate Action Grants in order to inspire and promote public involvement in the implementation of the Iowa City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan with projects that encourage low and no-emissions transportation. Grants can be awarded up to $10,000 to Businesses, Non-Profits, and Community based organizations located in Iowa City, any applicant or partnering group located outside of Iowa City must demonstrate that the population or area served will primarily be people or places within Iowa City.
The $1.1 million ZEV Supply Equipment program is now open and available to a wide variety of applicants including for-profit businesses, incorporated non-profit organizations, government agencies of all types, and metropolitan or regional transportation planning organizations. Applications will be accepted for two project types. A total of $950,000 will be available for publicly accessible Direct Current (DC) Fast Charger Corridor sites along I-29, the U.S. 20, U.S. 34, and U.S. 61 corridors. $150,000 is offered to fund applications for conveniently located and publicly accessible Level 2 Community Charging sites across the state. All projects shall meet the site and equipment requirements for each project type listed in the program guidance, as applicable.
Entergy eTech program offers cash incentives of up to $250 for L2 charging stations. On a case by case basis, Entergy will also offer cash incentives for electrifying truck stops and fleets.
The State of Louisiana offers a nonrefundable income tax credit of 30% of the cost of qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property. For new original equipment manufacturer AFVs, a taxpayer may take a tax credit of 10% of the cost of the motor vehicle, up to $2,500. For questions concerning this matter, please contact the Policy Services Division at (225) 219- 2780. For questions concerning a taxpayer’s return, please contact (855) 307-3893.
The Efficiency Maine, Phase 4 - DC Fast Charging Stations Program has $4,800,000 in available funding for the purchase and installation of DC fast charging stations. Awarded sites will receive up to 100% of eligible costs and up to $150,000 in demand charge incentives. The project must be located along an eligible corridor in Northeast Maine. Applications will be scored competitively and are due January 6th, 2023.
The Efficiency Maine, Rural Level 2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program has $695,000 in available funding to reduce the cost of purchasing and installing Level 2 charging stations. Awarded applicants will receive 80% of eligible costs, up to $5,000 per port. The project must be located in a Maine town classified as rural and outside of Cumberland County and York County. Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis ending November 17th, 2022.
Central Maine Power's (CMP) Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot Program establishes a grant program for 60 Level 2 EV charger plugs (or ports) to provide up to $4,000 per charging port to assist in covering the cost of the “make-ready” infrastructure needed to install Level 2 electric vehicle chargers. Eligible locations or uses of EV charging equipment include those open to the public as well as workplaces and multi-unit dwellings (minimum of four units) and there is a 4-port minimum required at each location. This pilot program is available to non-residential customers only.
Efficiency Maine offers Qualified Governmental Entity, Tribal Government, or Select Maine Non-Profit Service Provider rebates of up to $350 per port/plug to purchase and install a Level 2 Charger.
BGE will rebate 50% of the cost of a ChargePoint commercial Level 2 or DC fast charging station and installation for use at a multifamily property. Maximum rebate is to $5,000 per Level 2 port, $15,000 for a DC fast charger, and $25,000 per site.
Delmarva Power Workplace Charger Rebate Program offers a 50% rebate on the cost of equipment, warranty and installation for eligible Level 2 chargers. Commercial businesses and nonprofits can receive up to $5,000 per L2 charging port, limited to a maximum of $30,000 in rebates for each of their properties. Rebates are limited and available while approved program funds last.
Delmarva Power Multifamily Property Rebate Program will rebate 100% of the cost of eligible Level 2 charging equipment and 100% of the installation - up to $15,000 per charging station (limit of 2 charging stations).*Rebates are limited and available while supplies last.
The Maryland Energy Administration EVSE Rebate Program offers a rebate of 40% up to $4,000 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 ChargePoint Charging station. Businesses, MUDs, Workplaces, Non-Profits, and Government entities are eligible. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until rebate funds are exhausted.
Pepco Multifamily Property Rebate Program will rebate 100% of the cost of eligible Level 2 charging equipment and 100% of the installation - up to $15,000 per charging station (limit of 2 charging stations).*Rebates are limited and available while supplies last.
Pepco Workplace Charger Rebate Program offers a 50% rebate on the cost of equipment, warranty and installation for eligible Level 2 chargers. Commercial businesses and nonprofits can receive up to $5,000 per L2 charging port, limited to a maximum of $30,000 in rebates for each of their properties. Rebates are limited and available while approved program funds last.
Potomac Edison will rebate 50% of the combined cost of a ChargePoint commercial Level 2 or DC fast charging station and installation for use at a multifamily property. Maximum rebate is to $5,000 per station.
The Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) dedicates $14,000,000 of funding from the Climate Mitigation Trust (CMT) to reduce the cost of purchasing and installing Level 2 EV charging stations. MassEVIP CMT funding is divided between three Charging Programs: $10M for Public Access (PAC), $3M for Workplace & Fleet (WPF), and $1M for Multi-Unit Dwelling & Educational Campus (MUDC). The Public Access Charging Program provides 100% of eligible costs at government owned locations and 80% of eligible costs at non-government owned locations. The WPF and MUDC Programs provide 60% of eligible costs for purchasing and installing EV charging stations. Grant applications for all three Programs are submitted online and will be awarded on a first come, first served basis until funds are exhausted.
The Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) is developing an electric school bus funding program, ACT School Bus. The program will offer electrification planning services to school districts and deploy electric school buses as demonstration projects across major fleet operational models. MassCEC is seeking stakeholder input on the program; see the Notice of Intent for details.
Eversource Massachusetts is offering free make-ready (infrastructure required to install) for nearly 4,000 Level 2 ports at about 450 charging sites and about 70 DC fast charging ports at about 35 charging sites at commercial or multifamily properties. Eversource will also cover the cost of the charging equipment via a rebate for qualifying participants in environmental justice communities.
National Grid in Massachusetts (Massachusetts Electric Co.) is offering substantial financial rebates to cover the cost of the make-ready (electrical infrastructure required to install a charging station) as well as a portion of the charging station cost itself. Program is targeting the deployment of 1,200 Level 2 ports and 80 DC fast charging stations at about 140 commercial properties. National Grid will also cover the entire cost of the charging station via a rebate for qualifying participants in environmental justice communities.
The PowerMIDrive program by Consumers Energy is designed to increase EV charging capability and make it easier for you to charge your vehicle. Rebates are available for up to $5,000 for commercial customers installing a public Level 2 charger and up to $70,000 for commercial customers installing a public DC Fast charger. Act fast to receive a rebate – the total number available is limited.
EGLE offers grants of up to $70,000 for EV fast chargers. Public or private organizations can apply for up to $70,000 each toward the cost of installing direct current fast chargers for electric vehicles under a request for proposals (RFP) announced by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).
The MPCA heavy-duty electric vehicle replacement grant is providing $6.5 million in grant funds for electric heavy-duty vehicles and equipment. These grants aim to reduce diesel emissions and improve air quality and public health by removing older diesel vehicles and equipment from operation and replacing them with zero-emissions models. All equipment funded by this grant must be all-electric and the old diesel engine, vehicle, or equipment must be destroyed. Learn how to access the online information session, submit a proposal, and more on the grant web page. Applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m. CT on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Grant awardees will need to be registered in SWIFT so please review all information carefully and sign up early!
Entergy eTech program offers cash incentives of up to $250 for L2 charging stations. On a case by case basis, Entergy will also offer cash incentives for electrifying truck stops and fleets.
Mississippi Power is offering up to $2,000 through their Commercial EV Charger Rebates to business customers who purchase or lease a Level 2 Charging station at their location.
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering $3,000,000 to public, private, NGO, commercial and private businesses, higher education institutions, utilities and EVSE installers to purchase and install DC fast chargers. DNR will provide reimbursements for up to 80% of eligible project costs (no cap). DNR is targeting the following site locations: Branson, Cabool, Chillicothe, Collins, Farmington, Hannibal, Macon, Maryville, Poplar Bluff and Sedalia. Applications are due on October 12, 2022.
Ameren Missouri will provide up to $500,000 or 50% of the total project cost to business customers seeking to install EV charging stations at workplaces, multi-family apartment buildings, and in publicly accessible locations. The incentives include $5,000 per Level 2 port and $20,000 per DCFC port.
- Norris Public Power District offers up to %50 reimbursement ( up to 90% for a nonprofit entity) for the equipment and installation of a public or workplace EV charging station for its commercial customers. The stations must be public and pre-approval is required, reach out to your electric utility to discuss your charging needs and pick up an application form.
- NV Energy EV Charging Programs Funding for the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration (EVID) program has been fully reserved. Applications that have not already received a reservation notice will instead receive a conditional reservation notice upon application approval. Projects may begin construction upon receiving a conditional reservation notice, but funds are not guaranteed until a reservation notice has been issued.
The New Jersey Clean Energy Program offers grants for EV charging projects at Multi-Unit Dwelling (MUD), Tourism or Fleet locations.
The MUD Program is designed to encourage owners and operators of MUDs to provide EV chargers for residents and guests. The MUD program includes $4,000 toward the purchase of a Level 2 EV charger and $6,000 if located in an Overburdened Municipality. Applications for the MUD program are due June 2, 2023.
The EV Tourism program is eligible to public locations such as boardwalks, parks, and overnight lodging establishments. The Program provides up to $5,000 for a L2 charger and up to $50,000 for a DC fast charger. Applications are due October 31, 2022.
The Clean Fleet Electric Vehicle Incentive Program supports local and state governments as they transition their fleets to EVs. This includes $4,000 grants toward the purchase of battery electric vehicles, $5,000 grants for public Level 2 chargers, and $4,000 grants for fleet Level 2 chargers. Applications are due June 2, 2023.
The It Pay$ to Plug In LEVEL 2 Charging Program offers $4,000 for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a Level 2 ChargePoint Charging station. Businesses, government entities, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and multi-unit dwellings are eligible. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until rebate funds are exhausted.
JCP&L’s EV Driven Program is making electric vehicle adoption more accessible, convenient and affordable in New Jersey through incentives for charger installations at homes, workplaces, multifamily properties and communities. Receive incentives on the purchase and installation of a qualified EV charging station and earn additional credits for smart charging.
PSE&G is offering up to $30,000 toward the behind the meter installation of commercial Level 2 chargers, up to $10,000 for pole to meter utility service upgrades (if needed), and up to $100,000 per site for behind the meter installation costs for DCFC chargers or up to $50,000 of pole to meter utility service upgrades (if needed).
The EV Make-Ready Program provided by all investor owned electric utilities in New York is offering rebates to cover up to 90% of the electrical infrastructure and installation costs for customers to install commercial charging stations. This includes AC Level 2 and DC fast charging stations for use in workplace, public, multifamily, and fleet applications. Utilities are also offering an annual incentive to offset the cost of operating public DC fast charging stations. Contact ChargePoint for more information!
Central Hudson's EV Make-Ready Program wants to help you achieve your transportation electrification goals and reduce the upfront costs of building electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Take Advantage of over $21M Available from Central Hudson to cover Make-Ready (electrical infrastructure) costs for L2 and DCFC charging projects. Certain sites are eligible for an up to 100% incentive tier if they meet certain criteria.
Central Hudson's DCFC Incentive Program provides business customers who own DCFC stations may receive an annual incentive per connector. The full incentive is available for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations rated with power capacity of 75 kW and higher, and a 60% incentive is available for ports rated 50 kW to 74 kW. Payments are made annually from the date equipment is placed in service, through 2025. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional terms and conditions apply.
ConEdison PowerReady Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support for the installation of approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Certain sites are eligible for an up to 100% incentive tier if they meet certain criteria.
ConEdison offers medium- and heavy-duty fleets incentives of up to 85% of the installation costs of direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Participants may receive a maximum award of $1.2 million.
ConEdison's Fast Charging Per-Plug Program provides business customers who own DCFC stations may receive an annual incentive per connector. The full incentive is available for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations rated with power capacity of 75 kW and higher, and a 60% incentive is available for ports rated 50 kW to 74 kW. Payments are made annually from the date equipment is placed in service, through 2025. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional terms and conditions apply.
New York State provides a tax credit of up to $5,000 for the purchase and installation of an electric vehicle charging station. The credit is targeted at commercial and workplace charging stations. The tax credit is available through the end of 2022.
National Grid NY's Make-Ready Program allows customers to take advantage of over $200M Available in Rebates from National Grid NY for Make-Ready costs (electrical infrastructure) for L2 and DCFC charging projects. Certain sites are eligible for an up to 100% incentive tier if they meet certain criteria.
National Grid's Clean Transportation Program provides business customers who own DCFC stations may receive an annual incentive per connector. The full incentive is available for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations rated with power capacity of 75 kW and higher, and a 60% incentive is available for ports rated 50 kW to 74 kW. Payments are made annually from the date equipment is placed in service, through 2025. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional terms and conditions apply.
NYSEG's Make-Ready Program allows customers to take advantage of over $103M Available in Rebates from NYSEG and RGE for Make-Ready costs (electrical infrastructure) for L2 and DCFC charging projects. Certain sites are eligible for an up to 100% incentive tier if they meet certain criteria.
NYSEG's DCFC Incentive Program provides business customers who own DCFC stations may receive an annual incentive per connector. The full incentive is available for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations rated with power capacity of 75 kW and higher, and a 60% incentive is available for ports rated 50 kW to 74 kW. Payments are made annually from the date equipment is placed in service, through 2025. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional terms and conditions apply.
Orange & Rockland's EV POWERREADY EV Program, allows entities seeking to install or participate in the installation of Level 2 (L2) and/or Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) chargers to earn incentives that will offset a large portion of, or in some cases, all of the infrastructure costs associated with preparing a site for EV charger installation. Certain sites are eligible for an up to 100% incentive tier if they meet certain criteria.
Orange & Rockland's EV Fast Charging Per-Plug Incentive Program provides business customers who own DCFC stations may receive an annual incentive per connector. The full incentive is available for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations rated with power capacity of 75 kW and higher, and a 60% incentive is available for ports rated 50 kW to 74 kW. Payments are made annually from the date equipment is placed in service, through 2025. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional terms and conditions apply.
PSEG Long Island’s Electric Vehicle Make Ready Program may (depending on location) cover up to 100% of eligible make-ready costs of either Utility-owned equipment including, step-down transformers, overhead service lines, utility meters, and other traditional distribution infrastructure; or Customer-owned equipment that includes conductors, trenching, panels for stations, and other customer-side equipment.
PSEG Long Island’s DCFC Incentive Program offers customers an incentive to own and operate direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Award amounts are dependent on eligibility year, DCFC power rating, and the configuration of the charging equipment. Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
RG&E's Make-Ready Program allows customers to take advantage of over $39M available in rebates from RGE to cover Make-Ready (electrical infrastructure) costs for L2 and DCFC charging projects. Certain sites are eligible for an up to 100% incentive tier if they meet certain criteria.
RG&E's DCFC Incentive Program provides business customers who own DCFC stations may receive an annual incentive per connector. The full incentive is available for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations rated with power capacity of 75 kW and higher, and a 60% incentive is available for ports rated 50 kW to 74 kW. Payments are made annually from the date equipment is placed in service, through 2025. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional terms and conditions apply.
Duke Energy North Carolina's Homebuilder Charger Prep Credit provides credits to new construction builders to upfit your new-construction projects with the infrastructure needed to support EV chargers for future homeowners and collect an incentive for each new home.
Duke Energy North Carolina's Commercial Charger Prep Credit provides a one-time credit to help business customers cover the cost of preparing their site for an electric vehicle (EV) charger. Acceptable upgrades include electrical wiring and other required electrical upgrades to support Level 2 or higher EV chargers. This credit can be used for workplaces, businesses, multifamily dwellings, transit stations and schools. It does not cover the cost of permitting, EV charger installation or the EV charging equipment itself.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Workplace Program has $489,544 in available funding for Level 2 chargers. Workplaces for employee or fleet vehicle charging are eligible to apply. Projects will receive up to $3,000 per port or 60% reimbursement of total project costs, whichever is less. The RFP is available here. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis and will remain open until all funds are awarded.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Multi-Unit Dwelling Program has $489,544 in available funding for Level 2 chargers. Property owners or operators of multi-unit dwellings such as apartments or condominiums are eligible to apply. Projects open to the public can receive 80% reimbursement for total project costs and projects not open to the public can receive 60% reimbursement for total project costs. The RFP is available here. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis and will remain open until all funds are awarded.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Public Access Level 2 Charging Infrastructure Program will have over $1 million in funding available for Level 2 chargers. Rebates of up to $5,000 are available for government applicants and rebates of up to $4,000 are available for non-government applicants for each new charging port installed. The RFP is available here. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis and will remain open until all funds are awarded.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) began accepting applications for the School Bus Program grants under Phase 2 of the Volkswagen Mitigation plan. The Request for Proposals (RFP) released today details how to apply for the $27.2 million available to replace old diesel school buses with new, cleaner alternatives to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx). DAQ will accept applications for the School Bus Program until June 6, 2022, via the Grant Management System.
The Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) is now accepting applications for the Transit and Shuttle Bus Program grants under Phase 2 of the Volkswagen Mitigation plan. $13.5 million in Volkswagen funds are allocated to the Transit & Shuttle Bus Program to assist interested parties to mitigate NOx emissions by replacing older diesel transit and shuttle buses. CMAQ funding will be limited to 80% of the incremental cost of an electric replacement bus over the equivalent diesel replacement bus, with the remaining 20% of the incremental cost covered by NC VW Settlement Phase 2 funding. Funding for infrastructure will be capped at a maximum of $75,000 per bus. All applications must be submitted on the DAQ Grant Management System (GMS) website, at https://www.ebs.nc.gov/irj/portal, no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on May 2, 2022.
The Greenville Utilities Board of Commissioners has approved a pilot program offering rebates for customers who install electric vehicle charging stations. Customers who are approved would receive a rebate up to $1,500 for installing single or dual-port charging stations on their property.
AES Ohio has $5.1 million available for electric vehicle charging rebates, paid on a first-come first-serve basis for qualifying projects. You may be able to receive a rebate of up to $10,000 for installing a Level 2 charger or up to $75,000 for installing a DC Fast Charger at your government or public charging facility.
- The Alternative Fueling Infrastructure Tax Credit is a one-time income tax credit available starting January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2027 to corporations for up to 45% of the cost of an electric vehicle charging station project. Tax credits can be claimed on multiple properties although some restrictions apply.
Duquesne Light Company (DLC) commercial customers may cover the Make-Ready portion of your EV charging station infrastructure and also be able to received up to $5,000 per dual-port Level 2 ChargePoint station.
The 2022 Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants (AFIG) Program is offering $3,000,000 for school districts, municipalities, nonprofits, and businesses that want to transition to cleaner fuel transportation. The AFIG program focuses on funding EV charging projects that service medium-duty (class 3-6) and light-duty (class 1-2) vehicle fleets. DEP will provide 50% reimbursement of total project costs and no more than $300,000 to a single entity. Applications will be competitively selected after the two application periods: the first closing on August 26 and the second closing on December 16, 2022.
The PA Driving Forward Level 2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Rebate Program is offering up to $4,500 for publicly-accessible charging projects. Rebates can be applied to project costs directly connected to equipment acquisition, installation, operation and maintenance. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
PECO's Level 2 Commercial EV Pilot Program will support the deployment of Level 2 commercial vehicle charging stations in its territory. The program has total funds of $1.5 million, and will provide projects with up to $2,000 per charging port or 50% of eligible installation costs, up to 20 ports. PECO offers an increased rebate of $3,000 per port or 75% of make-ready cost in Environmental Justice Areas.
The PECO Pilot Discount for Fast Charging Infrastructure offers a 50% discount on rates for up to 36 months when you install Fast Charging Infrastructure at a public or workplace fleet location.
National Grid in Rhode Island (Narragansett Electric Co.) is offering free make-ready (electrical infrastructure required to install charging stations) for ~320 Level 2 ports and ~46 DC fast charging stations at about 50 commercial properties. National Grid will also provide a rebate towards a portion of the charging station cost, or the entire cost in the case of qualifying environmental justice communities.
State of Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources is making $100,000 in public funding available for Level II electric vehicle charging station projects. This incentive will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis and is available for Publicly-Accessible Business, Government & Non-Profit Sites, Workplace and Multi-Unit Dwellings projects.
In South Carolina, the Energy Office of the Office of Regulatory Staff (Energy Office) begins accepting applications for “mini-grants” for competitive demonstration projects in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation on July 1, 2022, and will accept applications through August 1, 2022. Eligible applicants include state agencies, local governments, public colleges, universities and technical colleges, K-12 public schools, and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. The maximum grant award amount is $10,000. Applications can be submitted via email to Rick Campana (rcampana@ors.sc.gov).
Santee Cooper’s EVolve Grant Program allows eligible commercial customers to apply for up to $25,000 of grant funding to help fund your EV Infrastructure project. A total of $100,000 is available in 2022. Applications are due August 31, 2022 and will go through a competitive scoring process for Santee Cooper to pick the top projects to fund.
- The Ready EV Program provides Black Hills Energy business customers a rebate up to $2,000 per Level 2 charging port and up to $3,000 per Level 2 port for government and nonprofit sites.
Austin Energy offers a rebate of up to $4,000 or 50% of the cost to install approved Level 2 charging stations for businesses and multifamily properties. Austin Energy is also providing rebates up to $10,000 to hosts who want to install a DC Fast Charger.
Entergy eTech program offers cash incentives of up to $250 for L2 charging stations. On a case by case basis, Entergy will also offer cash incentives for electrifying truck stops and fleets.
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) EVSE Incentive Program allows businesses, non-profit organizations, and other governmental entities (excluding State Executive Branch agencies) to apply for a grant for reimbursement of up to 50% of the purchase and installation costs for a pre-approved EVSE project. Funds can be used for the purchase and installation of both Level 2 or DC fast charging EVSE.
Burlington Electric Department offering incentives totaling 20 percent of the installed cost of a workplace EV charging station up to a maximum of $1,000 per eligible station.
Green Mountain Power's (GMP’s) Fast Charging program aims to more than double the number of level 3 chargers in Vermont by helping to fund 20 new ones. The Charge Fast pilot program will provide up to $40,000 toward the electrical interconnection of a level 3 charger.
VEC members who buy (or already own) an electric/battery powered device that displaces the use of a fossil-fuel powered device of the same type may submit entries into a monthly ChargeItUp drawing to win a VEC electricity bill credit (one-time) of $100
The Smart Charging Infrastructure Pilot (or “SCIP”) Program provides rebates for qualifying EV charging stations, charging infrastructure and installation, commonly referred to as “make-ready,” and network fees up to $36,000 and more.
Dominion Energy's Smart Charging Infrastructure Pilot (or “SCIP”) Program provides rebates for qualifying business customers to purchase EV charging stations, charging infrastructure and installation services, commonly referred to as “make-ready,” and network fees up to $36,000 and more.
Avista business customers are eligible for a reimbursement of up to 50% of wiring costs and up to $2,000 for installation of a charging port at your business.
Pacific Power non-residential customers may apply for a grant that covers up to 100% of cost of an electric transportation project.
- Snohomish County Public Utility District customers with commercial meters located within Snohomish PUD service territory who purchase and permanently installed EV chargers are eligible for rebates. New construction facilities required by Washington state code to install EV infrastructure in 5% of parking spaces are eligible for a $500 rebate per port and existing facilities requiring infrastructure construction are eligible for a $1000 rebate per port
The Washington State Dept. of Revenue provides a tax exemption on the installation cost of an electric vehicle charging station on or after July 28, 2019, and a use tax exemption is also available on install costs purchases on or after Aug. 1, 2019.
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